Sustainable Growth: Exploring Integrative Multi-Trophic Aquaculture on the West Coast
Prioritizing Potential Finfish Species
Jaden Orli
December 15, 2024
I. Background
a) Motivation
With the U.N. predicting that the global human population will reach approximately 9.7 billion people by the year 2050, access to basic resources (particularly food and water) will continue to become increasing pressing issues (United Nations 2024). The global assessment of the state of food security and nutrition in 2022 highlights the severity of this issue at current population levels (~8.2 billion):
“It is estimated that between 691 and 783 million people in the world faced hunger in 2022. Considering the midrange (about 735 million), 122 million more people faced hunger in 2022 than in 2019, before the pandemic (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2023).”
This highlights the increasingly urgent need to address the lack of global food security. As a result, marine aquaculture has become the center of research; with many notable characteristics that make it a sustainable alternative to meet the growing demands for protein sources (Hall et al. 2011; Nash et al. 2021). Gentry et al. mapped potential locations that would be suitable for marine aquaculture around the world, and they found that global seafood demand could be met using less than 0.015% of the global ocean area (Gentry et al. 2017). Additionally, an analysis of systems that have adopted an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) model show promise as a sustainable approach to open-ocean marine aquaculture (Troell et al. 2010).
Gentry et al. identified potential locations based on human and environmental constraints. This included excluding areas; that would negatively impact the growth of bivalves (low phytoplanktonic food availability) and finfish (low dissolve oxygen), were too expensive (too deep >200m) to anchor farms, were already allocated to other uses, or were in high-density shipping areas (Gentry et al. 2017).
Based on this analysis, we aim to identify locations along the west coast of the U.S. that would be optimal for the establishment of a marine aquaculture farm for both oysters and various finfish species based on two environmental parameters that impact optimal growth:
range of thermal tolerance
habitat range (based on depth)
b) Oysters
Research has shown that the following conditions are required for optimal oyster growth:
sea surface temperature: 11-30°C
depth: 0-70 meters below sea level
c) Potential Finfish Species
Potential finfish species were selected based on the current commercial fishes managed by the NOAA West Coast operation (NOAA Fisheries: West Coast 2024). Highly migratory species (such as sharks) were removed from consideration resulting in a list of 26 potential finfish species. We then used FishBase to compile a table of minimum temperature, maximum temperature, minimum depth, and maximum depth for each species (FishBase Consortium 2024). If a temperature range was not explicitly listed, the preferred minimum temperature and preferred maximum temperature (estimated from a model) were recorded (Froese 2020).
II. Load Libraries
First, load the necessary packages for this analysis:
#this clears out the environmentrm(list =ls())#load necessary data packageslibrary(tidyverse)library(here)library(janitor)library(stringr)library(terra)library(sf)library(calecopal)library(tmap)library(ggplot2)library(knitr)library(tibble)library(kableExtra)library(htmltools)
III. Define Functions
All functions used in this workflow are outlined and defined in this section, and grouped into three subcategories:
This function can be used to generate a Kable from a tibble or dataframe that is formatted to match the general formatting in this document (Zhu 2024).
The input is:
data: a tibble or dataframe that contains the values to be displayed in the table
col_names: a named vector with the names to be used for the column headers
caption_text: the title to be used for the table
The output is:
kable_output: a kable generated from the data input with the col_names as headers
this kable is saved with the name “data + _kable”
this output is also saved to the tables subfolder in the figures folder
#write a function to generate a standard kable format standard_kable <-function(data, col_names, caption_text) {#extract the name of the data to save as the kable filename filename <-deparse(substitute(data))#write the standard formatting for the kable outputs kable_output <- data %>%kable("html",col.names = col_names,caption = htmltools::tags$div(style ="text-align: center; font-size: 20px;", htmltools::tags$strong(caption_text))) %>%kable_styling(full_width =FALSE, font_size =14) %>%row_spec(row =0, bold =TRUE) %>%kable_classic(html_font ="Times New Roman")#define the file path kable_file <-file.path(tables_folder, paste0(filename, "_kable.html"))#save the kablesave_kable(kable_output, file = kable_file)#print the kablereturn(kable_output)}
ii) Generate Maps
This function can be used to generate a map tmap from a SpatRaster (only compatible with terra rasters) (Tennekes 2018; Hijmans 2024). In this workflow, this function is used to generate a map with the “optimal” and “not optimal” land classifications for each EEZ region for each potential finfish species.
Optimal Regions: - We will visualize the optimal regions in light red.
Not Optimal Regions: - We will visualize the not optimal regions in light grey.
The input is:
rast_obj: a SpatRaster (1 layer)
map_title: a title to be used for the map
The output is:
map: a tmap of the rast_obj generated for the region_name
the static tmap is saved with the name “map_title + _map.png”
the interactive tmap is saved with the name “map_title + _map.html”
these outputs are also saved to the maps subfolder in the figures folder
#assign a variable name for the optimal coloroptimal_color <-"tomato3"#assign a variable name for the not optimal colornot_optimal_color <-"lightgrey"#write a function to generate a map for the species raster objectgenerate_maps <-function(rast_list, eez_data, map_title =NULL) {#create an empty list to hold the interactive and static maps map_list <-list()#extract the first raster from the list to be used as the base raster base_raster <- rast_list[[1]]#save the raster layer name as base_name base_name <-names(rast_list)[1]#if there is a map_title entry, use that for the title, if not, use the base_name title <-if (!is.null(map_title)) map_title else base_name#create a base map to be used from the first raster in the list combined_map <-tm_shape(base_raster) +tm_raster(palette =c(not_optimal_color, optimal_color),alpha =0.5,labels =c("Not Optimal", "Optimal"),title ="Suitability") +tm_shape(eez_data) +tm_fill(col ="color",popup.vars =c("EEZ Region"="region"),alpha =0.5,title ="EEZ Regions") +tm_layout(main.title = title,main.title.position ="center",main.title.size =1.5, main.title.fontfamily ="Times New Roman",main.title.fontface ="bold",legend.outside =TRUE)#for every object in the raster list create a map by iterating through the remaining rasters in the listif (length(rast_list) >1) {for (i in2:length(rast_list)) {#extract the raster from the list raster_layer <- rast_list[[i]]#add the new layer to the map combined_map <- combined_map +tm_shape(raster_layer) +tm_raster(palette =c(not_optimal_color, optimal_color),alpha =0.5, =FALSE) } }#make the map name using map_title and define file path for the static .png file map_name_png <-file.path(maps_folder, paste(title, "map.png", sep ="_"))#save the static tmap as PNGtmap_save(combined_map, filename = map_name_png)#create an interactive title title_int <- htmltools::tags$h1(title,style ="text-align: center; font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold;")#combine the interactive title and map into an interactive map object map_int <- htmltools::browsable(htmltools::tagList(title_int,tmap_leaflet(combined_map)))#make the HTML file name and define file path map_name_html <-file.path(maps_folder, paste0(title, "_map.html"))#save the interactive map as an HTML file htmltools::save_html(map_int, file = map_name_html)#add the interactive map to the map_list map_list$interactive_map <- map_int#add the static map to the map_list map_list$static_map <- map_name_png#return the file path for the combined interactive map and the static filereturn(map_list)}
iii) Generate Heatmaps
This function can be used to generate a heatmap from the final region rank dataframe generated from the rank_regions function. In this workflow, this function is used to create a heatmap which visualizes the regions that are the most suitable for aquaculture farms for both oysters and the 26 potential finfish species.
We will visualize the optimal percent cover using a spectrum of colors ranging from zero percent cover in light blue to high percent cover in red.
The input is:
rank_df: the rank dataframe generated which has a optimal percent cover and rank for the potential species
The output is:
heatmap: a heatmap
the heatmap is saved with the name “filename + _heatmap.png”
this output is also saved to the heatmaps subfolder in the figures folder
#assign a variable name for the optimal coloroptimal_color <-"tomato3"#write a function to generate a heatmap for the potential species and their ranking per region generate_heatmap <-function(rank_df) {#extract the name of the data to save as the filename filename <-deparse(substitute(rank_df))#create a heatmap from the rank_df heatmap <-ggplot(rank_df, aes(x = species, y = region, fill = percent_cover)) +geom_tile(color ="black", size =0.5) +geom_text(aes(label =round(percent_cover, 1)), #show the percent cover to 1 decimalcolor ="black", size =2) +scale_fill_gradient2(midpoint =0, #make the midpoint 0 so we can make the 0 percent_cover values the "azure" colormid ="azure",high = optimal_color,name ="Percent\nCover",breaks =seq(0, 5, by =1),limits =c(0, 5)) +scale_y_discrete(labels =c("washington"="Washington","oregon"="Oregon","northern_california"="Northern California","central_california"="Central California","southern_california"="Southern California")) +labs(title ="Species vs Region Rankings",subtitle ="Heatmap of Percent Optimal Cover",x ="Species",y ="Region") +theme(plot.title =element_text(family ="Times New Roman", face ="bold",size =16,hjust =0.5), plot.subtitle =element_text(family ="Times New Roman",size =14,hjust =0.5),axis.title =element_text(family ="Times New Roman",face ="bold",size =14),axis.text.x =element_text(family ="Times New Roman",size =10,angle =45,hjust =1,vjust =1),axis.text.y =element_text(family ="Times New Roman", size =10),legend.title =element_text(family ="Times New Roman",face ="bold",size =10),legend.text =element_text(family ="Times New Roman",size =10),legend.position ="right", =element_rect(color ="black", size =1))#define the file path heatmap_file <-file.path(heatmap_folder, paste0(filename, "_heatmap.png"))#save the heatmapggsave(heatmap, file = heatmap_file)#return the heatmapreturn(heatmap)}
b) Data Processing
i) Identify Spatial Properties
This function can be used to create a tibble with all of the geometric properties (resolution, extent, origin, and coordinate reference system) for a list of spatial objects with the class “SpatRaster” or “sf object” (both terra and sf compatible). This is useful for comparing the spatial properties of the spatial objects in a workflow to ensure compatibility before processing begins.
The input is:
spatial_file_list: a list of spatial objects
The output is:
spatial_properties: a tibble with a column for the name of the spatial object, the resolution, extent, origin, and coordinate reference system (crs)
#write a function to create a tibble with all the spatial properties for a list of spatial objectsextract_spatial_properties <-function(spatial_file_list) {#create an empty tibble to hold the output spatial_properties <-tibble(name =character(),resolution =character(),extent =character(),origin =character(),crs =character())#extract the name of the list list_name <-deparse(substitute(spatial_file_list))#write a for loop to extract the properties into the tibble for reviewfor (file_name innames(spatial_file_list)) {#extract the current spatial object obj <- spatial_file_list[[file_name]]#since we have sf objects and SpatRasters, we must handle them differently:##if the object is a SpatRasterif (inherits(obj, "SpatRaster")){#if the object is a raster stack (has more than one layer):if (nlyr(obj) >1) {##for each layer of the raster stackfor (layer_name innames(obj)) {#extract the layer layer <- obj[[layer_name]] #extract the spatial properties for this layer:##extract the resolution (cell size) as a string with 5 decimals resolution <-paste(round(res(obj), 5), collapse =", ")##extract the extent (raster size) as a string with 2 decimals extent <-paste(round(ext(obj), 2), collapse =", ")##extract the origin (0,0) as a string with 7 decimals origin <-paste(round(origin(obj), 7), collapse =", ") ##extract the crs from the current object crs <- terra::crs(obj)#extract the EPSG ID part from the CRS string to make the CRS easier to read crs_id <-sub('.*ID\\["EPSG",(\\d+)\\].*', 'EPSG:\\1', as.character(crs))#add the new information to the tibble for raster properties spatial_properties <- spatial_properties %>%add_row(name = layer_name,resolution = resolution,extent = extent,origin = origin,crs = crs_id) }#if the object is a single raster: } else {#extract the spatial properties for this layer:##extract the resolution (cell size) as a string with 5 decimals resolution <-paste(round(res(obj), 5), collapse =", ")##extract the extent (raster size) as a string with 2 decimals extent <-paste(round(ext(obj), 2), collapse =", ")##extract the origin (0,0) as a string with 7 decimals origin <-paste(round(origin(obj), 7), collapse =", ") ##extract the crs from the current object crs <- terra::crs(obj)#extract the EPSG ID part from the CRS string to make the CRS easier to read crs_id <-sub('.*ID\\["EPSG",(\\d+)\\].*', 'EPSG:\\1', as.character(crs))#add the new information to the tibble for raster properties spatial_properties <- spatial_properties %>%add_row(name = file_name,resolution = resolution,extent = extent,origin = origin,crs = crs_id) }##if the object is a sf object } elseif (inherits(obj, "sf")) {#extract the spatial properties for this layer:##extract the EPSG ID part from the CRS string to make the CRS easier to read crs_id <-gsub('.*ID\\[\\\"(EPSG)\\\",(\\d+)\\].*', '\\1:\\2', as.character(crs)) #add the new information to the tibble for raster properties spatial_properties <- spatial_properties %>%add_row(name = file_name,resolution =NA,extent =NA,origin =NA,crs = crs_id) } }#remove duplicate rows based on the "name" column that are generated for sf objects (inherently sf and dataframes) spatial_properties <- spatial_properties %>%distinct(name, .keep_all =TRUE)#create a tibble name to save tibble_name <-paste0(list_name, "_tibble")#rename the tibble with the list name and save to the global environment return(assign(tibble_name, spatial_properties, envir = .GlobalEnv))}
ii) Check CRS
This function can be used to verify that all the spatial objects in a list (both terra and sf compatible) have a pre-defined coordinate reference system (crs). This is necessary to ensure before any map algebra can be performed.
The input is:
obj: a list of spatial objects
target_crs: a target crs that all the spatial objects in the list are compared against
The output is:
a logical (TRUE/FALSE) if the coordinate reference system of the object matches the target crs
#write a function to verify that all the spatial objects have the same crscheck_crs <-function(obj, target_crs) {#if the object is a "SpatRaster"if (inherits(obj, "SpatRaster")) {#returns a logical (TRUE/FALSE) if the crs matches the target_crs (TRUE) or not (FALSE)return(terra::crs(obj) == target_crs) #if the object is an "sf object" } elseif (inherits(obj, "sf")) {#returns a logical (TRUE/FALSE) if the crs matches the target_crs (TRUE) or not (FALSE)return(st_crs(obj)$wkt == target_crs) ##need to use wkt since terra and sf print crs differently } }
iii) Check Spatial Properties
This function can be used to check that the geometric properties (resolution, extent, origin, and crs) of two spatial objects (compatible with terra and sf) match. This function is a modified version of the extract_spatial_properties function.
The input is:
spatial_file_list: a list of spatial objects
ref_crs: a coordinate reference system (crs) used as the reference for comparison of list objects
The output is:
spatial_properties: a tibble with a column for the name of the spatial object, the resolution, extent, origin, and coordinate reference system (crs) and each entry will say “MATCH” or “DOES NOT MATCH”
#write a modified version of the extract_spatial_properties function to check the spatial properties check_spatial_properties <-function(spatial_file_list, ref_crs) {#create an empty tibble to hold the output spatial_properties_check <-tibble(name =character(),resolution_match =character(),extent_match =character(),origin_match =character(),crs_match =character())#extract the name of the list list_name <-deparse(substitute(spatial_file_list))#we will use the first file in the list as the reference object for verification ref_obj <- spatial_file_list[[1]]#now identify the spatial properties of the first object##identify the reference resolution ref_resolution <-paste(res(ref_obj), collapse =", ")##identify the reference extent ref_extent <-paste(ext(ref_obj), collapse =", ")##identify the reference origin ref_origin <-paste(origin(ref_obj), collapse =", ")##identify the reference crs ref_crs <- ref_crs#write a for loop to extract the properties into the tibble for reviewfor (file_name innames(spatial_file_list)) {#extract the current spatial object obj <- spatial_file_list[[file_name]]#since we have sf objects and SpatRasters, we must handle them differently:##if the object is a SpatRaster if (inherits(obj, "SpatRaster")){#if the object is a raster stack (has more than one layer):if (nlyr(obj) >1) {##for each layer of the raster stackfor (layer_name innames(obj)) {#extract the layer layer <- obj[[layer_name]] #extract the spatial properties for this layer:##extract the resolution (cell size) as a string resolution <-paste(res(obj), collapse =", ")##extract the extent (raster size) as a string extent <-paste(ext(obj), collapse =", ")##extract the origin (0,0) as a string origin <-paste(origin(obj), collapse =", ") ##extract the crs from the current object crs <- terra::crs(obj)#check if resolution, extent, origin, and CRS match the reference raster resolution_match <-ifelse(resolution == ref_resolution, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH") extent_match <-ifelse(extent == ref_extent, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH") origin_match <-ifelse(origin == ref_origin, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH") crs_match <-ifelse(crs == ref_crs, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH")#add the new information to the tibble for raster properties spatial_properties_check <- spatial_properties_check %>%add_row(name = layer_name,resolution_match = resolution_match,extent_match = extent_match,origin_match = origin_match,crs_match = crs_match) }#if the object is a single raster: } else {#extract the spatial properties for this layer:##extract the resolution (cell size) as a string resolution <-paste(res(obj), collapse =", ")##extract the extent (raster size) as a string extent <-paste(ext(obj), collapse =", ")##extract the origin (0,0) as a string origin <-paste(origin(obj), collapse =", ") ##extract the crs from the current object crs <- terra::crs(obj)#check if resolution, extent, origin, and CRS match the reference raster resolution_match <-ifelse(resolution == ref_resolution, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH") extent_match <-ifelse(extent == ref_extent, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH") origin_match <-ifelse(origin == ref_origin, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH") crs_match <-ifelse(crs == ref_crs, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH")#add the new information to the tibble for raster properties spatial_properties_check <- spatial_properties_check %>%add_row(name = file_name,resolution_match = resolution_match,extent_match = extent_match,origin_match = origin_match,crs_match = crs_match) }##if the object is a sf object } elseif (inherits(obj, "sf")) {#extract the spatial properties for this layer:#extract the crs from the current object crs <- sf::st_crs(obj)$wkt #check that the CRS matches the ref_crs crs_match <-ifelse(crs == ref_crs, "MATCH", "DOES NOT MATCH")#add the new information to the tibble for raster properties spatial_properties_check <- spatial_properties_check %>%add_row(name = file_name,resolution_match =NA,extent_match =NA,origin_match =NA,crs_match = crs_match) } }#remove duplicate rows based on the "name" column that are generated for sf objects (inherently sf and dataframes) spatial_properties_check <- spatial_properties_check %>%distinct(name, .keep_all =TRUE)#create a tibble name to save tibble_name <-paste0(list_name, "_tibble")#rename the tibble with the list name and save to the global environment return(assign(tibble_name, spatial_properties_check, envir = .GlobalEnv))}
c) Analysis
i) Identify Suitable Locations
This function can be used to reclassify the geometries in a SpatRaster (only compatible with terra) based on an optimal parameter range. It generates a new SpatRaster that has three classifications:
below range
above range
The input is:
raster_obj: a SpatRaster (1 layer)
min_parameter: a numeric value for the minimum end of the parameter range
max_paramter: a numeric value for the maximum end of the parameter range
The output is:
mask: a raster object that has been reclassified into the three groups and saved with the name “raster_obj + _mask”
#write a function to reclassify the geometries in a raster based on the optimal parameter range suitable_locations <-function(raster_obj, min_parameter, max_paramter) {#duplicate the raster that will be reclassified mask <- raster_obj#create a reclassification matrix to reclassify the raster based on the optimal parameter range rcl <-matrix(c(-Inf, min_parameter, 1, #below the minimum value ("below_range") min_parameter, max_paramter, 2, #in the optimal range ("optimal") max_paramter, Inf, 3), #above the maximum value ("above_range")ncol =3, byrow =TRUE)#use the reclassification matrix to reclassify the duplicated raster with the rcl mask <-classify(mask, rcl = rcl)#assign the group to a classification (not optimal or optimal)levels(mask) <-data.frame(id =c(1, 2, 3),cats =c("below_range", "optimal", "above_range"))#rename the mask to have the name of the raster_obj + _mask mask_name <-paste(names(raster_obj), "mask", sep ="_")names(mask) <- mask_name#return reclassified raster objectreturn(mask)}
ii) Identify Optimal Locations
This function is used to generate a new raster object from two optimized SpatRaster (only compatible with terra). This function is formated to work with SpatRasters that were generated from the previously defined suitable_locations function. It generates a new SpatRaster that has two classifications based on the optimal parameter range of both SpatRasters (raster_1 and raster_2):
combined: a raster object that has been reclassified into the two groups based on the most conservative optimal parameter of both SpatRasters
#write a function to generate a new raster object from two optimized rasters (this function is formatted to work with rasters generated from the suitable_locations locations defined above)optimal_locations <-function(raster_1, raster_2){#duplicate raster_1 to serve as the combined raster combined <- raster_1#first assign any locations with missing data from either raster as "not optimal" group 1 combined[raster_1 ==2| raster_2 ==2] <-1#assign locations where BOTH parameters are "optimal" to group 2 combined[raster_1 ==2& raster_2 ==2] <-2#assign locations that are not identified as optimal in both rasters as "not optimal" to group 1 combined[!(combined[] ==2)] <-1#assign the categories a name (optimal or not optimal)levels(combined) <-data.frame(id =c(1, 2),cats =c("not_optimal", "optimal"))#return reclassified raster objectreturn(combined)}
iii) Rasterize Geometries
This function is used to rasterize the individual geometries in a sf object based on the name of a column in the dataframe. In this workflow, this was used to rasterize the region geometries from the EEZ dataframe.
The input is:
df: an sf object that has an name_column with corresponding geometries
template_raster: a SpatRaster that has the geometric properties compatible with other SpatRasters in the workflow
name_column: the name of the column in the df that will correspond to a new raster object being generated from the corresponding geometry
The output is:
a list with 3 sublists inside:
rast_list: a list with SpatRasters that are generated for each of the names in the name_column of the df
rast_stack: a stack of all the SpatRasters that are generated and stored in the rast_list
bbox_list: a list with boundary boxes for each of the names in the name_column of the df
#write a function to rasterize individual geometries based on the column that has the corresponding namerasterize_geometries <-function(df, template_raster, name_column) {#create a list of names the name column name_list <-unique(df[[name_column]])#create an empty list to store the individual layers rast_list <-list()#create a duplicated empty raster from the template raster to be the raster stack rast_stack <-rast(template_raster, nlyrs =0)#create an empty list to hold the bboxes bbox_list <-list()#write a for loop to extract the geometry for each id and save it as a raster in the listfor(unique_name in name_list) {#filter the df to the geometry that corresponds to the current name geometry <- df[df[[name_column]] == unique_name, ]#create a duplicated empty raster from the template raster to be the raster layer rast_layer <- template_raster#rasterize the extracted geometry geom_rast <-rasterize(geometry, rast_layer)#rename the raster with the namenames(geom_rast) <- unique_name#add the new raster to the list rast_list[[unique_name]] <- geom_rast#create a boundary box from the geometry bbox <-st_bbox(geometry)#rename the bbox with the unique_name + _bbox bbox_name <-paste(names(unique_name), "bbox", sep ="_")names(bbox) <- bbox_name#add the new bbox to the list bbox_list[[unique_name]] <- bbox#add the new raster as a layer to the raster stack rast_stack <-c(rast_stack, geom_rast) }#return a list with the individual layers, the raster stack, and the bbox_listreturn(list(rast_list = rast_list, rast_stack = rast_stack, bbox_list = bbox_list))}
iv) Extract Regions
This function is used to create a mask of a SpatRaster (only compatible with terra) for each layer in a SpatRaster stack. This function is a modified version of the rasterize_geometries function. In this workflow, this function is used to create a masked SpatRaster for each region in the EEZ with the input raster (raster_obj_input) being the SpatRaster generated for each potential species.
The input is:
raster_obj_input: a SpatRaster object that is to be masked
rast_stack_input: a SpatRaster stack that contains layers that will be used to mask the raster_obj_input
The output is:
a list with 2 sublists inside:
rast_list: a list with masked SpatRasters that are generated for each of the layers in the rast_stack_input
rast_stack: a stack of all the SpatRasters that are generated and stored in the rast_list
#write a function to create a list with a raster stack, rasters, and a map for each region extract_regions <-function(raster_obj_input, rast_stack_input) {#create an empty raster to store the output of the for loop rast_list <-list()#create a duplicate of the raster object to be the masked layer rast_obj <- raster_obj_input#create a duplicated empty raster from the raster object to be the raster stack rast_stack <-rast(rast_stack_input, nlyrs =0)for (region_name innames(rast_stack_input)) {#extract the region layer from the raster stack region_layer <- rast_stack_input[[region_name]] #use the region_layer to mask the rast_obj region_layer_mask <- terra::mask(rast_obj, region_layer)#rename the raster with the region_namenames(region_layer_mask) <- region_name#add the new raster to the list rast_list[[region_name]] <- region_layer_mask#add the new raster as a layer to the raster stack rast_stack <-c(rast_stack, region_layer_mask) }#return a list with the individual layers and the raster stackreturn(list(rast_list = rast_list, rast_stack = rast_stack))}
v) Rank Regions
This function is used to create a tibble that ranks the regional SpatRasters (only compatible with terra) generated for each of the species using the previously defined functions. The regions are ranked based on the percent of the total area that is classified as optimal for cultivation. In this workflow, this function ranks the regions from 1 (best EEZ region for cultivation) to 5 (worst EEZ region for cultivation) based on a calculated optimal percent_cover.
The input is:
rast_stack: a SpatRaster stack that contains an EEZ region in each layer that has the classifications of “optimal” or “not_optimal”
The output is:
region_rank: a tibble with a column for the scientific name of the species, the EEZ region, the optimal area in that region for that species, the total area in that region for that species, the optimal percent cover in that region for that species, and the rank of that region for that species. It includes all 26 potential finfish species
#write a function to extract the create a tibble with each species and the rank for their optimal regionsrank_regions <-function(rast_stack){#extract the name of the data to save as the plots filename filename <-deparse(substitute(rast_stack))#create a tibble to hold the output of the for loop region_rank <-tibble(species =character(),region =character(),optimal_area =numeric(),total_area =numeric(),percent_cover =numeric(),rank =numeric())#for every layer in the rast_stackfor (layer_name innames(rast_stack)){#extract the region layer from the raster stack layer <- rast_stack[[layer_name]] #calculate the area (km^2) for each cell cell_area <-cellSize(layer, unit ="km")#calculate the area of all the cells with the "not_optimal" (group 1) classification not_optimal_area_km2 <-sum(values((layer ==1) * cell_area), na.rm =TRUE)#calculate the area of all the cells with the "optimal" (group 2) classification optimal_area_km2 <-sum(values((layer ==2) * cell_area), na.rm =TRUE)#calculate the total area in the region total_area_km2 <- optimal_area_km2 + not_optimal_area_km2#calculate the percent cover of optimal area percent_cover <- (optimal_area_km2 /total_area_km2) *100#add the new information to the tibble region_rank <- region_rank %>%add_row(species =NA,region = layer_name,optimal_area = optimal_area_km2,total_area = total_area_km2,percent_cover = percent_cover,rank =NA) }#rank the regions with the highest optimal percent cover being ranked 1 region_rank <- region_rank %>%mutate(rank =ifelse(percent_cover ==0, NA, rank(-percent_cover, ties.method ="max"))) #if the percent cover is zero assign the rank NA, and if there is a tie, assign it the max rank to be conservative#create a tibble name to save tibble_name <-paste0(filename, "_tibble")#rename the tibble with the filename and save a table with the rankings for each region and each species to the global environment return(assign(tibble_name, region_rank, envir = .GlobalEnv))}
IV. Set Up
This section sets up the filepaths and files for later analysis:
To characterize the average sea surface temperature inside the region of interest, we obtained average annual sea surface temperature data for the years 2008 to 2012.
To define the area of U.S. waters that could potential be regions of interest for a marine aquaculture operation, we obtained a shapefile outlining the economic exclusion zones (EEZ) along the west coast of the U.S.
#define the pathway to access the average annual sea surface temperature (sst) files sst_files <-list.files(here::here("data"),pattern ="average_annual_sst.*\\.tif$",full.names =TRUE)#define the pathway to access the depth filedepth_file <- here::here("data", "depth.tif")#define the pathway to access the economic exclusion zone (eez) files eez_file <- here::here("data", "wc_regions_clean.shp")#define the pathway to access the csv with the potential finfish species dataspecies_file <- here::here("data", "potential_finfish_species.csv")
ii) Output Data
maps_folder: All maps are saved to the maps subfolder within the figures folder
tables_folder: All tables/kables are saved to the tables subfolder within the figures folder
heatmap_folder: All density plots are saved to the heatmap subfolder within the figures folder
#define the pathway to save to the maps subfolder in the figures foldermaps_folder <- here::here("figures", "maps")#define the pathway to save to the tables subfolder in the figures foldertables_folder <- here::here("figures", "tables")#define the pathway to save to the heatmap subfolder in the figures folderheatmap_folder <- here::here("figures", "heatmap")
b) Load Spatial Data
Now that we have defined the file paths, we can read in the necessary spatial data:
i) Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
The sea surface temperature image files were read in as a SpatRaster stack with terra containing a layer for each year (Hijmans 2024).
#read in the sea surface temperature (sst) rasters sst_rasters <- terra::rast(sst_files)#write a for loop to rename each layer to have the format sst_yearfor (i inseq_along(names(sst_rasters))) {#extract the year for the corresponding file, by extracting the last four digits year <-str_extract(basename(sst_files[i]), "\\d{4}") #extracting the last four digits#format the name of the current layer to be sst_year and save it as the new name for the layernames(sst_rasters)[i] <-paste("sst", year, sep ="_")}
ii) Bathymetry
The bathmetry image file was read in as a SpatRaster with terra containing a depth layer (Hijmans 2024).
#read in the depth rasterdepth_raster <- terra::rast(depth_file)#rename the layernames(depth_raster) <-"depth"
iii) Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ)
The polygons for the economic exclusion zones were read in as an sf object with sf and the data frame was cleaned with to only contain the regions and the corresponding total area (km^2) while remaining sticky (Pebesma 2018).
#read in the economic exclusion zone (eez) rastereez <- sf::st_read(eez_file)#create a vector with region_id's that correspond to the regions based on the geographic orderregion_ids <-c("Washington"=1,"Oregon"=2,"Northern California"=3,"Central California"=4,"Southern California"=5)#create a region_id column in the eez dataset that assigns the regions a number from north (washington) to south (southern_california)eez <- eez %>%mutate(region_id = region_ids[rgn])#create a version of the dataframe with the capitalized region names stilleez_caps <- eez %>%clean_names() %>%rename(region = rgn) %>%select(region_id, region, area_km2, geometry)#tidy up the dataeez <- eez %>%clean_names() %>%#clean up the column namesmutate(region =str_replace_all(rgn, " ", "_") %>%str_to_lower()) %>%#create a region column with the name in snake_caseselect(region, area_km2, geometry) #only keep the necessary columns
c) Examine Geometric Properties
Next, we need to examine the geometric properties (resolution, extent, origin, and coordinate reference system (crs)) for each of the spatial objects that we are working with. We will need to transform any spatial objects that have mismatched properties.
i) Identify Properties
We will start by identifying the geometric properties of each of the spatial objects with the extract_spatial_properties function and save these properties in a table with the standard_kable function:
#create a summary list with all the filesspatial_file_list <-list(sst_rasters = sst_rasters,depth_raster = depth_raster,eez = eez)#identify the spatial properties of all the spatial files in the listspatial_properties <-extract_spatial_properties(spatial_file_list)#save the column names for the kablecol_names <-c("Name"="Name","Resolution"="Resolution","Extent"="Extent","Origin"="Origin","CRS"="CRS")#generate the kable from the tibble outputstandard_kable(spatial_properties, col_names, caption ="Geometric Properties Identification Results")
Geometric Properties Identification Results
0.04166, 0.04166
ext(-131.98, -114.99, 29.99, 49.99)
-7.6e-06, -3.8e-06
0.04166, 0.04166
ext(-131.98, -114.99, 29.99, 49.99)
-7.6e-06, -3.8e-06
0.04166, 0.04166
ext(-131.98, -114.99, 29.99, 49.99)
-7.6e-06, -3.8e-06
0.04166, 0.04166
ext(-131.98, -114.99, 29.99, 49.99)
-7.6e-06, -3.8e-06
0.04166, 0.04166
ext(-131.98, -114.99, 29.99, 49.99)
-7.6e-06, -3.8e-06
0.00417, 0.00417
ext(-132, -114, 29, 50)
0, 0
It appears that the coordiante reference system for the bathymetry data (depth_raster) and the economic exclusion zone data (eez) does not match that of the sea surface temperature data (sst_rasters).
ii) Transform Coordinate Reference Systems
Therefore, we will transform the bathymetry data (depth_raster) and the economic exclusion zone data (eez) to match the coordinate reference system (crs = EPSG:9122) of sea surface temperature data (sst_rasters).
#define the target CRS (EPSG:9122) to be used in the transformationstarget_crs <-crs(sst_rasters)#transform the depth_raster to the target crsdepth_raster <- terra::project(depth_raster, target_crs)#transform the eez to the target crseez <-st_transform(eez, crs = target_crs)#create a summary list with all the filesverify_crs_list <-list(sst_rasters = sst_rasters,depth_raster = depth_raster,eez = eez)
iii) Verify CRS Match
Now verify that all of the spatial files have the same coordinate reference system with the check_crs function before continuing with analysis:
#check that all the files have the same crs (target_crs)all_crs_match <-sapply(verify_crs_list, check_crs, target_crs = target_crs)#verify that all the files have the same crs if (all(all_crs_match)) {#if all the files have the same crs (all TRUE) then printprint("All spatial files have the target CRS")} else {#if all the files do NOT have the same crs (at least one FALSE) then printprint("The following files do not match the target CRS:")print(names(spatial_file_list)[!all_crs_match])}
[1] "All spatial files have the target CRS"
Since all the spatial files have the same coordinate reference system, we can move to the analysis process.
V. Oyster Aquaculture
This section identifies locations that would be suitable for only bivalve farming:
To start, we will ensure that the sea surface temperature (SST) and the bathymetry data are compatible to process together.
i) Transform SST Data
First, we need to calculate the average sea surface temperature by taking the mean across all of the rasters (from the years 2008 to 2012), and then convert this temperature from Kelvin to Celsius.
#find the mean sea surface temperature and store it as a single layer rastersst_mean <- terra::mean(sst_rasters, na.rm =TRUE) #now convert the temperature to Celcius by subtracting 273.15 to convert from Kelvinsst_mean_celsius <- sst_mean -273.15#rename the layer for the celcisus rasternames(sst_mean_celsius) <-"mean_sst_c"
ii) Identify Geometric Properties
Now we need to verify that the rasters are compatible to be combined. We will start by identifying the geometric properties of with the extract_spatial_properties function and save these properties in a table with the standard_kable function:
#create a summary list with all the filessst_bath_file_list <-list(sst_mean_celsius = sst_mean_celsius,depth_raster = depth_raster)#identify the spatial properties of all the files in the listproperties_sst_bath <-extract_spatial_properties(sst_bath_file_list)#generate the kable from the tibble outputstandard_kable(properties_sst_bath, col_names, caption ="Geometric Properties Identification Results")
Geometric Properties Identification Results
0.04166, 0.04166
ext(-131.98, -114.99, 29.99, 49.99)
-7.6e-06, -3.8e-06
0.00417, 0.00417
ext(-132, -114, 29, 50)
0, 0
It appears that the rasters have the same coordinate reference systems (since we transformed them to match above), but differ in their resolution, extent, and origin.
iii) Match Resolution, Extent, and Origin
To ensure compatible geometric properties we will transform the data so both raster have the same resolution, extent, origin, and coordinate reference system. Since the bathymetry data has a larger extent than the sea surface temperature, we can crop this raster to match the extent and origin of the temperature raster.
#crop the bathymetry raster to match the extent/origin of the sst raster depth_raster_crop <- terra::crop(depth_raster, sst_mean_celsius)
Since the bathymetry data has a finer resolution than the sea surface temperature (SST) data, we will coarsen the bathymetry data by resampling the data using the nearest neighbor approach.
#resample the cropped bathymetry data using the nearest neighbor approach depth_resampled <- terra::resample(depth_raster_crop, sst_mean_celsius, method ="near")
Now we will verify that the transformations were successful and the resulting rasters have compatible geometric properties.
iv) Identify Geometric Properties
Now we need to verify that the rasters are compatible to be combined by ensuring the geometric properties have been successfully transformed with the check_spatial_properties function and save these properties in a table with the standard_kable function:
#create a summary list with all the filessst_bath_transform_file_list <-list(sst_mean_celsius = sst_mean_celsius,depth_resampled = depth_resampled)#identify the spatial properties of all the files in the listproperties_sst_bath_transform <-check_spatial_properties(sst_bath_transform_file_list, ref_crs = target_crs)#generate the kable from the tibble outputstandard_kable(properties_sst_bath_transform, col_names, caption ="Geometric Properties Identification Results")
Geometric Properties Identification Results
Since the transformations were successful, we can move forward with identifying suitable locations for oyster cultivation along the west coast.
b) Determine Suitable Oyster Cultivation Locations
Before we can identify potential finfish species that will be suitable options for marine aquaculture, we need to determine which locations are within the scope of the temperature and depth parameters for oysters.
i) Temperature Conditions
To start, we will classify locations as “optimal” or “not optimal” for oyster cultivation based on the average sea surface temperature calculated above. This is done by creating a mask of the average sea surface temperature data (mean_sst_celcius) and assigning appropriate categorical levels using the suitable_locations function:
#define the minimum temperature min_temp <-11#define the maximum temperaturemax_temp <-30#generate a masked version of the temperature raster to identify optimal and not optimal locationssst_mask <-suitable_locations(sst_mean_celsius, min_temp, max_temp)
ii) Depth Conditions
Now we classified locations as “optimal”, “not optimal”, or “land” for oyster cultivation based on the bathymetry data processed above. This is done by creating a mask of the bathymetry data (depth_resampled) and assigning appropriate categorical levels using the suitable_locations function:
#define the "minimum" depth (meters below sea level)min_depth <--70#define the "maximum" depth (sea surface)max_depth <-0#generate a masked version of the bathymetry raster to identify optimal and not optimal locationsdepth_mask <-suitable_locations(depth_resampled, min_depth, max_depth)#we will now rename the "not optimal" group 3 to be land (elevations above sea level)levels(depth_mask) <-data.frame(id =c(1, 2, 3),cats =c("not_optimal", "optimal", "land"))
iii) Combine Optimal Conditions
Once the physical condition rasters have been reclassified, we can combine the reclassified rasters (sst_mask and depth_mask) into a single raster that contains the optimal locations for oyster cultivation based on both parameters using the optimal_locations function:
#create a raster for the optimal geographic range for oyster cultivation based on the temperature and depth parametersoyster_range <-optimal_locations(sst_mask, depth_mask)
iv) Overlay Economic Exclusion Zones
After generating a raster with the optimal location for oyster cultivation, we can overlay the economic exclusion zones (eez) data. Before combining this information, we must rasterize the eez data to make it compatible with the other SpatRaster objects. We will create an individual raster object for each region (Southern California, Central California, Northern California, Oregon, and Washington) of the economic exclusion zones as well as a raster stack which contains each region as a layer using the rasterize_geometries function:
#rasterize the regions and create a raster stack with all of the regionseez_results <-rasterize_geometries(eez, oyster_range, "region")#save the list of region rasters eez_regions <- eez_results$rast_list#save the raster stackeez_stack <- eez_results$rast_stack#save the list of boundary boxes for each region eez_bbox_list <- eez_results$bbox_list
c) Visualize Suitable Locations
Now we can visualize the suitable locations for oyster cultivation in each region of the economic exclusion zone (Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Central California, Southern California) along the west coast of the U.S.
i) EEZ Region Colors
Let’s start by making a color palette to visualize each of the regions within the west coast EEZ using these colors.
#generate a palette from the calecopal bigsur color palettebigsur_palette <-cal_palette(name ="bigsur")#create a vector of selected hex codes from the bigsur_paletteregion_palette <-c("#E4DECE", "#ECBD95", "#9BB1BB", "#346575", "#0B4221")#assign the colors in the palette to region namesregion_names <-c("Washington","Oregon","Northern California","Central California","Southern California")#assign the colors in the palette to the list of names in region_namesregion_palette_named <-setNames(region_palette, region_names)#create a copy of the eez dataframe with a color that corresponds to each region in the region_palette_namedeez_color <- eez_caps %>%mutate(color = region_palette_named[region])
ii) Generate Maps
And then we can use the generate_maps function to create an interactive map to visualize the optimal locations (optimal and not optimal) for oyster cultivation within each EEZ region:
#use the generate maps function to create an interactive map of the suitable oyster cultivation locations oyster_map_results <-generate_maps(oyster_range,eez_data = eez_color,map_title ="Suitable Oyster Cultivation Locations and EEZ Regions")#extract the interactive map from the oyster_map_resultsinteractive_map <- oyster_map_results$interactive_map#print the interactive map interactive_map
Suitable Oyster Cultivation Locations and EEZ Regions
VI. Potential Finfish Aquaculture
This section identifies locations that would be suitable for BOTH bivalve and finfish aquaculture:
Start by loading in the csv with the metadata for the 26 potential finfish species identified in the background section:
#read in the csv for the potential species potential_species <-read_csv(species_file)#subset the data to only the species common name and scientific namepotential_species_tbl <- potential_species %>%select(1:2) %>%mutate(number =paste0(row_number())) %>%#add a number based on the row number in the dfselect(3,1,2)#select only the first 13 rows of the table potential_species_tbl_1 <- potential_species_tbl %>%slice(1:13) #select only the last 13 rows of the tablepotential_species_tbl_2 <- potential_species_tbl %>%slice(14:26)#combine the two tablespotential_species_comb <-cbind(potential_species_tbl_1, potential_species_tbl_2)#tidy up the datapotential_species <- potential_species %>%clean_names() %>%mutate(common_name =str_replace_all(common_name, " ", "_") %>%str_to_lower(),scientific_name =str_replace_all(scientific_name, " ", "_") %>%str_to_lower())
Then print out a table with a list of the potential species being considered and save this output in a table with the standard_kable function:
#save the column names for the kablecol_names_p <-c("Number"="Number","Common Name"="Common Name","Latin Name"="Latin Name","Number"="Number","Common Name"="Common Name","Latin Name"="Latin Name")#generate the kable from the tibble outputstandard_kable(potential_species_comb, col_names_p, caption ="Potential Finfish Species") %>%column_spec(column =c(3, 6), italic =TRUE) #reformat for the resized table output
Potential Finfish Species
Common Name
Latin Name
Common Name
Latin Name
Arrowtooth Flounder
Atheresthes stomias
Pacific Ocean Perch
Sebastes alutus
Sebastes paucispinis
Pacific Sardine
Sardinops sagax
Canary Rockfish
Sebastes pinniger
Pacific Whiting
Merluccius productus
Chinook Salmon
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Petrale Sole
Eopsetta jordani
Chum Salmon
Oncorhynchus keta
Pink Salmon
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Coho Salmon
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Rex Sole
Glyptocephalus zachirus
Dover Sole
Microstomus pacificus
Pacific Rock Sole
Lepidopsetta billineta
English Sole
Parophrys vetulus
Northern Rock Sole
Lepidopsetta polyxystra
Flathead Sole
Hippoglossoides elassodon
Anoplopoma fimbria
Ophiodon elongatus
Shortspine Thornyhead
Sebastolobus alascanus
Northern Anchovy
Engraulis mordax
Sockeye Salmon
Oncorhynchus nerka
Pacific Cod
Gadus macrocephalus
Widow Rockfish
Sebastes entomelas
Pacific Halibut
Hippoglossus stenolepis
Yellowtail Rockfish
Sebastes flavidus
b) Identify Potential Compatible Species
Now we will use the functions defined above to evaluate the compatibility of each potential finfish species in each EEZ region. For each species, we will generate a SpatRaster for each EEZ region whose area has been classified as “optimal” or “not optimal” for the cultivation of that species and oysters. We will then stack these SpatRasters to generate a SpatRaster stack for each species containing a layer for each region. Additionally we will generate a tibble which ranks each EEZ region for each potential finfish species based on the percent of optimal area in the region. Finally, we will also create a map for each region layer generated for each potential species. The functions are used in the below order:
this function is used to rank each region from 1 (best EEZ region for cultivation) to 5 (worst EEZ region for cultivation) based on a calculated optimal percent cover for each species and oysters.
this function is used to create a static and interactive map for each species and oysters in each EEZ region with the “optimal” and “not optimal” classifications
Output: This workflow will generate three outputs:
species_rast_list: a list with 26 sublists (one for each species). Each species sublist contains two more sublists: a) rast_list: a list with region specific SpatRasters that are generated for each of the EEZ Regions b) rast_stack: a stack of all the SpatRasters that are generated and stored in the rast_list
region_rank: a tibble with a column for the scientific name of the species, the EEZ region, the optimal area in that region for that species, the total area in that region for that species, the optimal percent cover in that region for that species, and the rank of that region for that species. It includes all 26 potential finfish species
species_map: a list with 26 sublists (one for each species). Each species sublist contains a map for each EEZ region with the “optimal” and “not optimal” classifications
#create an empty list to hold the output of the for loopspecies_rast_list <-list()#create a dataframe column with the scientific names from the potential_species_tblmap_name_df <- potential_species_tbl[, 3]#convert the map_name_df to a listmap_name_list <-as.list(map_name_df)#bind the map_name_list on to the potential_species dataframepotential_species_names <-cbind(potential_species, map_name_df)#rename the new column to be tidyverse friendlypotential_species_names <- potential_species_names %>%rename(species_name_caps =9)#create a tibble to hold the output of the for loopregion_rank <-tibble(species =character(),region =character(),optimal_area =numeric(),total_area =numeric(),percent_cover =numeric(),rank =numeric())#create a list to hold the species mapsspecies_map <-list()#for every species in the potential species dataframefor(i in1:nrow(potential_species_names)) {#extract the properly formatted species name from the map_name_list species_name_caps <- potential_species_names$species_name_caps[i]#save the species name as the scientific name species_name <- potential_species_names$scientific_name[i]#extract the minimum temperature for this species min_temp <- potential_species_names$min_temp[i]#extract the maximum temperature for this species max_temp <- potential_species_names$max_temp[i]#since the thermal range of tolerance was predicted from a model for some species, we have classified this in other columns (preferred_min_temp and preferred_max_temp) and left the min_temp and max_temp column empty##so if the min_temp is NA we will use the preferred_min_temp instead min_temp <-ifelse(, #if the min_temp is NA potential_species_names$preferred_min_temp[i], #use the preferred_min_temp min_temp) #if = FALSE then use the min_temp already extracted##or if the max_temp is NA we will use the preferred_max_temp instead max_temp <-ifelse(, #if the max_temp is NA potential_species_names$preferred_max_temp[i], #use the preferred_max_temp max_temp) #if = FALSE then use the max_temp already extracted#the min_depth and max_depth in the dataframe are recorded as negative numbers to represent meters below sea level to align with the format in the bathymetry data which has a vertical datum of mean sea level##however the function wants the min_parameter value which would correspond to the max_depth, so extract the maximum depth for this species min_depth <- potential_species_names$max_depth[i]##the function wants the max_parameter value which would correspond to the min_depth, so extract the minimum depth for this species max_depth <- potential_species_names$min_depth[i]#FUNCTION ONE A: generate a masked version of the sea surface temperature data using the suitable_locations function temp_rast <-suitable_locations(sst_mean_celsius, min_temp, max_temp)#FUNCTION ONE B:generate a masked version of the bathymetry using the suitable_locations function depth_rast <-suitable_locations(depth_resampled, min_depth, max_depth)#FUNCTION TWO A: determine the optimal range for this species using the optimal_locations function optimal_rast <-optimal_locations(temp_rast, depth_rast)#FUNCTION TWO B: determine the optimal range for this species AND the oysters using the optimal_locations function potential_locations <-optimal_locations(oyster_range, optimal_rast)#FUNCTION THREE: generate a raster stack with each layer in the stack being a region in the economic exclusion zone results_list <-extract_regions(potential_locations, eez_stack)#extract the species raster stack from the results list species_stack <- results_list$rast_stack#extract the species raster list from the results list species_list <- results_list$rast_list#FUNCTION FOUR: rank the regions for each species species_rank <-rank_regions(species_stack)#add the species name to the tibble species_rank <- species_rank %>%mutate(species = species_name)#add the new species_rank tibble to the full tibble region_rank <-bind_rows(region_rank, species_rank)#FUNCTION FIVE: generate a static and an interactive map map_results <-generate_maps(rast_list = species_list, eez_data = eez_color, map_title = species_name_caps)#add the map to the species_map list species_map[[species_name]] <- map_results$interactive_map#save the species results list to the species rast list species_rast_list[[species_name]] <- results_list}
Now let’s visualize some of the results from our analysis.
VII. Results
This section summarizes the results of the above analysis through a variety of visualizations:
First, we can create a heatmap with the generate_heatmap function to determine which regions are suitable most for aquaculture farms for both oysters and the 26 potential finfish species. Here we can examine the optimal percent cover calculated for each species in each region with locations with ZERO optimal area in light blue and locations with HIGH percent cover of optimal area shown in a gradient of red.
#make sure the regions are in order from south to north region_rank$region <-factor(region_rank$region, levels =c("southern_california","central_california","northern_california","oregon","washington"))#create a heatmap of the potential species and their ranking per region generate_heatmap(region_rank)
b) Ideal Locations
Then we can determine which regions will be the most optimal for creating farms for oyster and a finfish species and save these properties in a table with the standard_kable function:
#subset the region_rank dataframe to only include the regions that are the best for cultivationtop_regions <- region_rank %>%group_by(species) %>%filter(rank ==1) %>%ungroup()#create a list of column names to be used in the kablecol_names_r <-c("Species"="Species","Region"="Region","Optimal Area"="Optimal Area","Total Area"="Total Area","Percent Cover"="Percent Cover","Rank"="Rank")#generate the kable from the tibble outputstandard_kable(top_regions, col_names_r, caption ="Top Ranked Regions for Each Species")
Top Ranked Regions for Each Species
Optimal Area
Total Area
Percent Cover
c) Example Finfish Map
Finally, we can examine one of the regional maps generated for a potential finfish species. We will visualize the maps generated for the Sebastes pinniger (Canary Rockfish) as an example of the maps created for all of the potential finfish species. We will color the regions similarly with the optimal locations (optimal and not optimal) used to visualize areas for cultivation within each EEZ region (Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Central California, Southern California):
#examine the maps generated for the sebastes_pinniger species tmap_mode("view")#extract the species map from the map listsebastes_pinniger_map <- species_map[["sebastes_pinniger"]]#print the mapsebastes_pinniger_map
Sebastes pinniger
These results show that for all of the potential finfish species chosen, the Washington EEZ is the most suitable for paired oyster aquaculture. However, further parameters for each species should be examined more closely for potential areas with the Washington region before moving forward with development.
IX. Citations
Bui, An, Heili Lowman, Ana Sofia Guerra, and Ana Miller-ter Kuile. 2024. Calecopal: A California-Inspired Package of Color Palettes.
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